Introduction #
These guidelines are designed to help users submit corrections to the content on the wiki site. By following these rules, contributors ensure that the information is accurate, reliable, and of high quality. The aim is to maintain consistency in how corrections are made and to encourage collaboration among users.
1. General Guidelines for Corrections #
- Accuracy: Corrections should always be factually accurate and backed by reliable sources. Make sure your changes are supported by credible references, especially when correcting facts or statistics.
- Clarity: Changes should improve the clarity of the content without altering its intended meaning. Simplify or clarify language as needed, but don’t change the context of the information.
- Neutrality: Maintain a neutral point of view. Corrections should be objective, free of personal opinions, and reflect an impartial presentation of the facts.
- Citations: Provide appropriate citations where needed to support your corrections. Always use current and relevant sources when adding references.
2. Types of Corrections #
- Typographical Errors: Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes to ensure readability.
- Factual Errors: Correct incorrect or outdated facts (e.g., dates, numbers, statistics, or locations).
- Outdated Information: Update facts or data that are no longer accurate or relevant (e.g., laws, technology, or trends).
- Clarity Issues: Edit to improve sentence structure, rephrase awkward phrases, or break up overly complex sentences.
- Link Updates: Ensure that all links work and point to the correct and up-to-date URLs. Replace broken or outdated links.
3. Steps for Submitting Corrections #
3.1 Review the Article #
Before submitting any corrections, read the article thoroughly to verify that the information you intend to correct is indeed inaccurate or outdated.
3.2 Check Existing Discussions #
Look at the article’s talk page to see if the issue has already been discussed. This will give you context on any ongoing discussions or concerns regarding the information.
3.3 Make the Correction #
- Minor Corrections: You can edit the article directly for simple fixes, like spelling or punctuation.
- Major Corrections: If the correction involves a significant change (e.g., updating a fact or restructuring content), it’s better to:
- Make the change in a draft or sandbox.
- Provide an edit summary that clearly explains the correction.
- Add citations or links where necessary to support your changes.
3.4 Notify Other Editors #
If your correction is substantial or may lead to disagreements, consider informing other editors via the article’s talk page.
3.5 Wait for Feedback #
After submitting your correction, be open to feedback. Other contributors may review your changes and suggest improvements or point out issues.
4. What to Avoid in Corrections #
- Unverified Information: Do not submit corrections based on unverified or unreliable sources. Always verify the accuracy of your sources.
- Original Research: Avoid adding unpublished data or personal research. Stick to widely accepted and peer-reviewed sources.
- Unnecessary Edits: Don’t make trivial changes (e.g., adjusting writing style or making cosmetic edits) unless they improve clarity or accuracy.
- Edit Wars: If there is disagreement over a correction, don’t engage in an edit war. Use the talk page to discuss and reach a consensus with other contributors.
- Over-Correcting: Make corrections that are essential to the article’s accuracy. Avoid overhauling an article unless it is necessary to improve overall quality.
5. Review Process and Quality Control #
- Moderation: All corrections are subject to review by other contributors. If a correction is found to be inaccurate or misleading, it may be reverted.
- Quality Check: Ensure that any corrections follow the wiki’s general guidelines on content quality, including proper formatting and citation styles.
6. Ethical Considerations #
- Respect Other Contributors: Always be respectful when interacting with other users. Acknowledge their contributions and engage in constructive dialogue.
- Transparency: If you’re involved in an ongoing project or have a personal connection to the content, be transparent about it. Always disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
7. Conclusion #
By adhering to these guidelines, you help ensure that the wiki remains a reliable and accurate resource. Each correction, no matter how small, contributes to the overall quality of the content. We appreciate your help in keeping the wiki accurate and trustworthy!